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Service Organisation Controls (SOC 1 & 2)

Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) No. 18 was issued by AICPA with purpose of providing reasonable assurance on Service Organization Controls to User entities outsourcing IT and related services. New standard mirrors and complies with the new international service organization reporting standard – ISAE 3402.

SSAE 18 comprises for types of reporting requirement depending on the nature of services outsourced:

SOC 1- Financial process outsourcing and related applications

SOC 2- IT process outsourcing and applications

SOC 3- For organizations requiring general utility report

Type 1 & Type 2 Report



Report on controls placed in operation A report on a service organization's description of its internal control structure on whether such controls were suitably designed to achieve specified control objectives, and on whether they had been placed in operation as of a specified date



Report on controls placed in operation + Tests of controls Includes a Type I report + Whether the controls tested were operating with sufficient effectiveness to provide reasonable assurance that related control objectives were achieved during period specified

SOC 2 Report

SOC 2 report is performed in accordance with AT 101 and based upon Trust Services Criteria to test and report on design (Type I) and operating (Type II) effectiveness of service organization’s controls. The purpose of report is to evaluate an organization’s information systems relevant to:

Trust Service Criteria Expectation
Security System protected against unauthorized logical and physical access controls
Availability Availability
Processing Integrity System processing is complete, accurate, timely and authorized
Confidentiality Information is only accessed by authorized personnel
Privacy System's collection, use, retention, disclosure, and disposal of personal information in conformity with the commitments in the entity's privacy.

SSAE 18 Report – SOC 2

Type I and II Report consists of 4 sections:

Section Contents
Section One Independent Service Auditor’s Report (the “Opinion”)
Section Two Management’s assertion for controls
Section Three Description of Internal Controls and Control Objectives (Provided by Management of Service Organization)
Section Four Information Provided by the Independent Service Auditor (Includes Tests of Operating Effectiveness - results and exceptions for a Type II Report)

How we can help?

IS Audit

IT audit aims to provide assurance on information systems maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability. The aim is to provide assurance is to provide:

Establishing a sound and robust technology risk management framework

Strengthening system security, reliability, resiliency, and recoverability and

Deploying strong authentication to protect customer data, transactions and systems.

Identify the business context of Data Privacy protection / Information Security relevant to your relevant stakeholders.

Extensive data mapping exercise to determine the type of data you collect, the jurisdiction in which the data is stored, or cross-border transfers performed, the purpose(s) for which the data is collected and determination of whether you are a data controller or data processor with regards to the data.

Provide with formal documentation and attestation for Data Privacy program

Define the DPIA Risk Assessment Methodology, identify risks of note based on the Data Mapping, and assess each risk in accordance with the methodology.

Determine the appropriate level of security that should be applied to information assets, identify, analyze and evaluate risks that security requirements will not be met; and develop plans for managing risks to an acceptable level.

Compare the actual design and performance of the controls in place with the expected design/performance.

Standard data protection regulations are utilized for Gap Assessment and additional controls and guidance may be required depending on organizational needs and functions.

Gap Remediation Plan providing you foundation for setting priorities, assigning ownership, allocating investments of time, money, and human resources, and for measuring, and improving compliance with standards and laws.

Provide guidance and support in addressing the issues identified in your Gap Remediation Plan.

Provide guidance and support in for implementation of controls

Conduct the annual audit of your Data Privacy program to ensure controls remain adequate for the required protections and maintain compliance

ISO 27001:2022

Adopting the ISO/IEC 27000-series information security standards (commonly known as “ISO27k”) generally starts with a project to specify, design, develop and implement Information Security Management System (ISMS). Once operational, the ISMS is continuously reviewed and updated on a periodic basis or when a major change in either within the organization or outside results in change to the risks faced by the organization.

To summarize, organizations must at any point in time be able to pre-empt, defend or move quickly to ensure that damage due to Information theft is minimized if not eliminated. Several Organizations trust ISO 27001 certification to give them the assurance that the organization takes information security seriously and have put in place various mechanism/controls to ensure that impact due to information leakages or theft is minimized if not eliminated.

ISO 27K certification requires full support from Management in terms of commitment of intent, resources and reviews to ensure that the ISMS they have implemented yields the benefits they were promised.

Benefits of GDPR Compliance

  • Ensuring and demonstrating that your organisation complies with the GDPR and avoids sanctions.
  • Inspiring confidence in the public by providing data privacy compliance.
  • Ensuring your users are not at risk of their data protection rights being violated.
  • Reducing operation costs by optimising information flows within a project and eliminating unnecessary data collection and processing.
  • Reducing data protection related risks to your organisation.
  • Reducing the cost and disruption of data protection safeguards by integrating them in product design.

Approach to ISO 27001


Stage I

Existing environment Analysis: The first stage of the Project is to determine the existing policies and documentation with respect to ISMS with an intent to identify the gaps.


Stage II

Solution Recommendation: Assessment of Gaps would lead to identification of documentation and processes that would need to be written down and implemented. Risk identification, analysis, treatment would be performed, and their recommendations would be used to drive process changes and controls.


Stage III

Solution Implementation: All identified documentation will be worked on, existing processes where required be reengineered, and non-existing processes will be implemented. On an agreed upon duration the new ways of working will be monitored for efficiency and effectiveness. Where required corrective actions will be undertaken. Solution implementation should set the stage for Stage1 of the Certification process.


Stage IV

Certification process (stage 2) will be initiated and completed to auditor satisfaction so that the auditor can recommend for Certification.